Online Resources
We are Building our Television Network.
We started out with TV Shows, Movies, Documentaries throughout the Filming History that are focused on Veteran Success.
Whether it is about what we went through,
educating us what we are facing now and in the future,
or just fun entertainment.
We are in the process of adding new content on a regular basis, with a focus on
Whole Health (see the Wheel Below for more about Whole Health and the VA).
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Mindfulness, Meditation & Contemplation
Mantram Repetition Program
The Mantram Repetition Program(MRP) consists of three skills that can be practiced daily:
(1) mantram repetition
(2) slowing down
(3) one-pointed attention.
“Mantram repetition” is the practice of repeating a short, self-selected sacred word or phrase representing the highest power we can conceive, whether we call it God, the ultimate reality, or the Self within. The concept comes from the Sanskrit term “mantra” (which is commonly used mistakenly in the West to mean anything that’s repeated). Repeating words or prayers can be found in nearly every culture and tradition. As a mantram is repeated silently in the mind at any time or any place, over and over throughout the day or night, it serves to train attention for slowing down thoughts and improving concentration. Slowing down and one-pointed attention support the practice of mantram repetition and together, all three tools assist in raising one’s awareness of being in a hurry and multi-tasking. All three tools work together synergistically to bring us into the present moment. For more information on this please click on Dr. Jill Bormann’s Website.
Dr. Jill Borman learned about mantram repetition from her spiritual teacher, Sri Eknath Easwaran, who founded the Blue Mountain Center of Meditationin Tomales, CA. Her goal is to deliver mantram repetition to various populations because it is a “spiritual life-line” that can help one focus attention and transform consciousness.
For more information:
PsychArmor Institute
is a nonprofit that provides FREE education and support to all Americans who work with, live with, or care for service members, veterans, and their families.
Psycharmor has created an amazing course with Dr. Jill Bormann. This 4 part online course will offer the Basic skills toward learning Mantram Repetition. click on this website;, scroll to the bottom, register, there are 4 Lessons (8 – 15 minutes long).
Lesson 1) What Mantram is and how to choose one: Video Duration 14m 21s
Lesson 2) Slowing Down Video Duration: 10m 39s
Lesson 3) One-Pointed Attention: Video Duration 8m 38s
Lesson 4) Putting it All Together: Video Duration 8m15s
Jill Bormann, Ph.D., RN, FAAN
About this Course Being a caregiver can be tiring and stressful, making self-care especially important. There are four condensed sessions that will help you learn a set of portable and spiritually based skills that can assist you in managing negative thoughts and feelings. Using a mantram can help you manage life’s daily hassles and live in the present. These meditation based tools for emotional regulation are easy to implement in a busy routine and should be exercised frequently. Removing doubt about mantram is the first step for this self-care practice.
Within 1 hour of your time; you will have a basic understanding of how to use the Mantram repetition as another tool to assist you with
1. Focus attention
2. Slow thinking for mental clarity, increased awareness
3. Interrupt the stress response
4. Produce a mental change in the person who uses it
5. Tap inner spiritual resources
6. Transform consciousness
VA Healthcare Resources
VA Whole Health
What is Whole Health?
Whole Health is VA’s cutting-edge approach to care that supports your health and well-being. Whole Health centers around what matters to you, not what is the matter with you. This means your health team will get to know you as a person, before working with you to develop a personalized health plan based on your values, needs, and goals.

Circle Of Health
The Circle of Health illustrates the big picture connections between your health and other aspects of your life. Whole health opens the door to discuss not only your health conditions, but the things that impact your well-being.